Moto X4 launched today in India and will go on sale tonight at 11:59 pm IST. The handset is available exclusively online through Flipkart and offline through Moto Hubs stores. Moto X4 price in India is Rs. 20,990 for the variant with 32GB storage and 3GB RAM, and Rs. 22,990 for the 64GB storage + 4GB RAM option. It will come with Alexa support, but not at launch, and buyers will have to wait for Amazon to release the Moto Alexa app, the company told Gadgets 360. The Android 7.1.1 Nougat smartphone has a 5.2-inch Full HD display, 2.2 GHz octa-core Snapdragon 630 chipset, dual rear cameras (12 megapixels + 8 megapixels), 16-megapixel front camera, and 3000 mAh battery with fast charging.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 gets a price cut. The popular Redmi Note 4 smartphone has gone through a price cut in India, with the 3GB + 32GB and 4GB + 64GB variants coming in cheaper at Rs. 1,000 each. The new prices will apply to purchases made through both Flipkart and With the price cut, the 3GB + 32GB model will cost Rs. 9,999 now, and the 4GB + 64GB will cost Rs. 11,999. There is also a 2GB + 16GB variant of the Redmi Note 4, but the model has been out of print in India for quite some time now. The company also sold 9.3 million units in the country last quarter. Xiaomi India head Manu Kumar Jain announced via Twitter.

Moto X4

WhatsApp for iPad may be in the works. WhatsApp may be working on a dedicated iPad app, as references to it were found with the Windows 10 beta app build. WABetaInfo says that WhatsApp Desktop 0.2.6968 app names the upcoming iPad app as “Tablet – iOS”. Rather than an app made from scratch, it might just be an application wrapper for WhatsApp Web, similar to how Windows 10 WhatsApp for Desktop was designed.

OnePlus 5T unboxing video surfaces, CEO hints at higher price A 5-minute OnePlus 5T unboxing video has leaked online, showing the borderless smartphone, the next version of OxygenOS, and the fingerprint sensor on the back. Separately, a GeekBench listing of the handset shows that the phone will run on an Android 7.1.1 Nougat-based build rather than the previously leaked Oreo. This suggests that the difference between the prices of the OnePlus 5T and the OnePlus 5 may be greater than previously expected. CEO Pete Lau tweeted today: “The cost of smartphone components is rising, but phones are also improving. OnePlus users will appreciate what’s to come.”

Oppo F3 Plus 6GB RAM variant launched in IndiaOppo has released the F3 Plus 6GB RAM variant in India on Flipkart, a week after the original 4GB RAM option received a one-day price cut. Interestingly, the 6GB RAM Oppo F5 is priced at Rs. 22,990, and the 4GB RAM model is listed as out of stock on Flipkart. The e-commerce major offers a 3-month subscription to Hotstar Premium, a 50 percent buy-back guarantee, free EMIs exchange discounts, and additional discounts on HDFC debit and credit cards. Apart from the extra RAM, there are no other changes in the Oppo phone from the original model, such as the 6-inch full-HD display, the octa-core Snapdragon 653 chipset, the 16-megapixel camera with LED flash on the back, and dual selfie cameras (16 megapixels + 8 megapixel).

Also today, Oppo and Jio announced a partnership where buyers will get up to 100 GB of free data. Under the offer, Oppo F5, F3, F3 Plus, and F1 Plus buyers will get up to 10GB of data with each Jio top-up of Rs. 309 or more. Similarly, Oppo F1s, A33F, A37F, A36Fw, A57, and A71 buyers will get up to 10GB on six charges.

Honor 7X will be an Amazon exclusive in India Huawei is planning to release the Honor 7X smartphone in India in December, and it has now been revealed that the device will be an Amazon exclusive in the country. The smartphone has been listed on the e-commerce website as a complete product; registrations are now open. On its terms and conditions page, Amazon says that Honor 7X registrations will begin on November 13 and continue through December 27, and select registrants will win prizes. The winners will be announced on January 8, which may be the shipping date.

Amazon offers cashback on Nokia 6 and Nokia 8. Nokia Week kicked off today on Amazon India, with cashbacks on the Nokia 6 and Nokia 8. This sale will continue on November 17, and Prime members who transact with Amazon Pay will get additional benefits. For example, a Prime user who pays for the Nokia 6 through Amazon Pay will get Rs back. Two thousand five hundred as a Pay balance, a non-Prime user who pays through Amazon Pay balance will be refunded Rs. 1,500, and a Prime subscriber not using Pay balance will get only Rs back. 500. On Nokia 8, the cashback for Prime users who pay via Pay balance is Rs. 1,500, and no cashback on other models and for non-Prime subscribers.

Uber scores an investment from SoftbankSoftbank, a major shareholder of Ola, which has invested $1 billion in Uber, the two companies have announced. The Japanese conglomerate is planning to offer new $1 billion worth of Uber shares and more shares from investors and employees of the ride-hailing app to acquire a 14 percent aggregate stake in it. The deal between Softbank and Uber was announced last month but was shelved amid corporate governance struggles between investor Benchmark Capital and ousted CEO Travis Kalanick.


I have been blogging since August 2011. I have had over 10,000 visitors to my blog! My goal is to help people, and I have the knowledge and the passion to do this. I love to travel, dance, and play volleyball. I also enjoy hanging out with my friends and family. I started writing my blogs when I lived in California. I would wake up in the middle of the night and write something while listening to music and looking at the ocean. When I moved to Texas, I found a new place to write. I would sit in my backyard while everyone else was at work, and I could write all day.