OnePlus 9R price in India starts at Rs. 39,999. The latest OnePlus phone comes alongside the OnePlus 9 and OnePlus 9 Pro. The OnePlus 9R is designed to offer a flagship-like experience but at a lower price point than the OnePlus 9. Looking at the specs of the OnePlus 9R, the phone offers some similarities to the OnePlus 9. comes with a full-HD+ OLED display with a refresh rate of 120 Hz and a 48-megapixel Sony IMX586 primary camera sensor. The OnePlus 9R is also one of the few phones based on Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 870 SoC. In this episode of Orbital, Gadgets 360 review editor Jamshed Avari and in-house OnePlus expert Ali Pardiwala join host Akhil Arora to discuss the OnePlus 9R.
The OnePlus 9R is a uniquely positioned smartphone in the company’s portfolio. It sits between the OnePlus Nord and OnePlus 9. At the same time, the phone has some similarities with last year’s OnePlus 8T.
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As opposed to the more expensive OnePlus 9, the OnePlus 9R has a Snapdragon 870 SoC over the Snapdragon 888 found elsewhere. This makes for slightly weaker CPU cores and graphics performance. Wi-Fi 6E is also something you don’t get on the OnePlus 9R, which is available on the OnePlus 9 or the OnePlus 9 Pro. Additionally, the cheaper OnePlus model lacks the Hasselblad branding that you’ll see on the 2021 premium OnePlus flagships.
That said, the OnePlus 9R could be a better option if you don’t care about the high-end chipset or the premium camera marketing.
For the second half of this week’s Orbital episode, we’re talking about the new OnePlus Watch. Host Akhil is joined by Gadgets 360 reviewer Aditya Shenoy and smartwatch enthusiast Shubham Raheja to review the OnePlus Watch.
The highly anticipated OnePlus Watch was launched last month alongside the OnePlus 9 series of phones. But instead of running on Google’s WearOS as you might expect, the OnePlus Watch uses a real-time operating system (RTOS). This offers no customization, although you can add a few different watch faces.
OnePlus has provided a basic user interface on the OnePlus Watch that is similar to that of WearOS and Samsung’s Tizen operating system. The smartwatch also does not have a dedicated app store. However, you can get some features and watch faces directly from the connected OnePlus Health app.
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We also talk about how the presence of the proprietary software helps the OnePlus Watch offer better battery life than the competition. It also comes with fast charging support and a list of health and fitness focused features. But it’s important to note that you shouldn’t pick the OnePlus Watch at this point if you have an iPhone as your primary device. The smartwatch does not work with iOS.
That was all for this week’s episode of Orbital. Hear the full discussion by following the Gadgets 360 podcast, which is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and wherever you get your podcasts from. Please rate us and leave a review.
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