The Reliance Jio 4G VoLTE feature phone is reportedly in production. It will be launched soon in two variants, one with a Qualcomm processor and the other with a Spreadtrum chipset. The feature is said to have a 2.4-inch screen, 512MB of RAM, 4GB of internal storage, microSD card support, a 2-megapixel rear camera, a VGA front-facing camera, Wi-Fi, NFC, and GPS. The Reliance Jio 4G VoLTE feature phone model with Qualcomm chip will reportedly cost $28 (about Rs. 1,800), and the Spreadtrum variant $27 (about Rs. 1,740), but both are expected to be subsidized to boost sales.

The onePlus 5 India launch date has been announced and renders have leaked. Fans waiting for the OnePlus 5 India launch shouldn’t have to wait long, as the company has announced that it will bring the phone to the country on June 22. This is just two days after the smartphone was officially unveiled worldwide on June 20.

OnePlus 5

It is easily one of the most highly anticipated smartphones right now, after the iPhone 8, and we finally know what it will look like if we believe the latest leak. The official renderings of the upcoming OnePlus flagship have surfaced online. The renders only show the top half of the front, which resembles the OnePlus 3T, and the back, which looks much like the back of the Apple iPhone 7 Plus. The phone also has a trademark profile switch on the side. Besides this photo, we don’t have any other details yet.

iPad Pro, MacBook 2017 Prices Revealed Apple announced a slew of new hardware products at the recently concluded WWDC 2017, and we managed to find Indian prices for most of these products. The new 10.5-inch iPad Pro starts at Rs. 52,900 for the 64GB Wi-Fi model, Rs. 60,900 for 256 GB, and Rs. 76,900 for the 512GB model, while the 13-inch MacBook Pro without TouchBar now starts at Rs. 1,09,900 instead of Rs. 1.29,900, although you only get 128GB of SSD storage compared to 256GB previously. The MacBook Air gets a small speed bump, but the prices remain the same. The iMac range now starts at Rs. 90,900 for the 21.5-inch non-Retina model, a price drop from Rs. 1,000, although you get newer internals.

WhatsApp for iPhone gets automatic albums, photo filters, and a reply shortcut. WhatsApp for iPhone has received a new update that brings it to version v2.17.30. In this version, we get new features such as photo filters for the media you send in the chats, automatic albums automatically group multiple photos you send or receive in a photo album, and a new reply shortcut, which allows you to choose to reply to a person just by swiping right on a specific text in chats.

Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017), J5 (2017), and J7 (2017) with Android 7.0 Nougat launched. After receiving multiple leaks, Samsung has announced the 2017 editions of Galaxy J3, Galaxy J5, and Galaxy J7, which are part of the ‘J’ from the company series. The highlights of the new models are the metal design, the fingerprint sensor, and VoLTE support. The phones have been launched in Europe for EUR 279 (approximately Rs. 19,600) and EUR 339 (roughly Rs. 24,600), respectively.

Reliance Jio helps India reach 15th place in 4G availability worldwide. This London-based wireless coverage mapping company said India had 71.6 percent 4G availability in Q3 2016, up from 81.6 percent in Q1 2017.

Flipkart offers Father’s Day discount on iPhone 6 (16GB). This Father’s Day offers new offers on electronics and kickstart. This is Flipkart, with an offer on the Apple iPhone 6 (16GB). According to a listing on Flipkart, the price is suggested at Rs. 2_999, where the mystery cipher will be revealed on June 8. The offer is only valid from June 8-10.

Microsoft Surface Mobile leak tips ‘on-table’ projection mode According to a new leak, Microsoft’s ‘redesigned’ smartphone could be called Surface Mobile instead of the previously notorious Surface Phone. The leak points to two possible models: Surface Peking and Surface Slavonia. The phones are also said to have ‘on the table’ projection capabilities in Continuum mode.

Apple’s Planet of the Apps TV Show Now Available for Streaming At last year’s WWDC, Apple stated that it would soon produce its original television series, and Planet of the Apps is the first fruit of its efforts. This 10-episode unscripted show is part of an effort to add exclusive video programming to Apple’s music streaming service. The first episode is free, but subsequent episodes are only available to paying Apple Music subscribers.

Chrome 59 Rolls Out For Desktop Users The latest update to Google’s Chrome browser brings a host of new changes, but one of the most notable is the inclusion of Google’s Material Design in the Settings menu. The Chrome settings menu has been in testing for a while; it will now be visible in the stable version once you update to the latest version. If you’re a Mac user, you now get support for native notifications as well as animated PNG format.

Micromax Announces Data Partnership with Affle Popular Indian smartphone manufacturer Micromax has announced a data partnership with Affle, a mobile audience intelligence and analytics platform company. Micromax would leverage Affle’s Data Management Platform (traction) and Ad Optimization Platform (MAAS) to deliver data-driven content and ad experiences to Micromax users. The goal is to provide a better user experience backed by robust analytics and insights.


I have been blogging since August 2011. I have had over 10,000 visitors to my blog! My goal is to help people, and I have the knowledge and the passion to do this. I love to travel, dance, and play volleyball. I also enjoy hanging out with my friends and family. I started writing my blogs when I lived in California. I would wake up in the middle of the night and write something while listening to music and looking at the ocean. When I moved to Texas, I found a new place to write. I would sit in my backyard while everyone else was at work, and I could write all day.