Computer networks are interconnected computing devices that can exchange data and share resources. These network devices use a system of rules called communication protocols to transmit information about physical or wireless technologies.

What is computer networking in simple terms?

A computer network is a group of two or more computers that are connected. Networks are usually used to share resources, exchange files, or communicate with other users.


What is networking as an example?

An example of networking is the sharing and acquisition of information between different departments of the same company to share information and solve business problems. An example of networking is linking the entire network of computers to a print server so that each workstation can print documents.

What is computer class 10 networking?

A network can be a group of computers and devices connected to exchange data. Each device on the web can be considered a node; each node has a unique address and a numerical quantity. Example: 204,160,241.98.

Why do we use networks?

Data and information: Networks allow computers to share data and information. Networks allow computers to share and use resources with other computing devices connected to them. A network makes it possible to combine several people into one printer or scanner and thus make optimal use of these resources.

What are the three main goals of networking?

The main purpose of computer networks is sharing. It allows us to share mainly three things; data, resources, and applications.

What are the four types of networks?

A computer network is mainly of four types: LAN (Local Area Network), PAN (Personal Area Network), MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) WAN (Wide Area Network).

What is the difference between network and networking?

The main difference between a network and networking is that network is a collection of computing devices connected through a communication medium to exchange information and resources; in contrast, networking is the practice of creating, maintaining, securing, and solving problems with the network.

What is a Network Response for Class 8?

Answer: Linking computers to make them work interactively.

What is computer class 8 networking?

A computer network is a collection of computers connected to share resources. The most common help shared today is a connection to the Internet.

What is Computer Network Class 9?

A computer network is a group of computers that use common communication protocols over digital connections to share resources located on or provided by the network nodes.

What are the five types of computer networks?

There are many types of computer networks; the most common area networks include those five: LAN – Local Area Network, WAN – Wide Area Network, WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network, MAN – Metropolitan Area Network, and CAN – Campus Area Network.

What is Networking with Diagram?

A network diagram is a visual representation of a computer or telecommunications network. It shows the components that make up a network and how they work together, including routers, devices, hubs, firewalls, etc. A network diagram can be physical or logical.

What kind of network is the Internet?

Wide Area Network (WAN) The Internet is the most basic example of a WAN, connecting all computers worldwide. Due to the sheer reach of a WAN, it is typically owned and maintained by multiple administrators or the public.

What is the biggest advantage of networking?

Network users can communicate via email and instant messenger. Files can be easily shared between users. Security is good – unlike standalone machines, users cannot see other users’ files. It is easy to back up data because it is stored on the file server.

What is the difference between communication and networking?

Data communication deals with the communication process in different regions and through other methods, while computer networks transfer information and files across various places to communicate data.

What is Internet & Networks?

The Internet is a huge network that connects computers all over the world. The Internet allows people to share and communicate information anywhere with an internet connection.

What is a network class 12?

1. Computer network: A computer network is a collection of interconnected computers and other devices to share data and other resources. Communication over the network involves exchanging text/image/audio/video data over a wired or wireless medium.

What is Networking in Computer Science PDF?

Networking is referred to as the electronic connection of computers to share information. Resources such as files, applications, printers, and software share common information on a network.

What network devices are there?

Here is the general list of network devices: Hub. Switch. Router. Bridge. Gate. Modem. Repeater. Access point.

What are the seven types of networks?


What are network components?

A network has five basic components, clients, servers, channels, interface devices, and operating systems.

What does a switch do?

A switch is used in a wired network to connect to other devices via Ethernet cables. The button allows each connected device to talk to the others. Only wireless networks do not use buttons because devices such as wireless routers and adapters communicate directly.

What does a server do?

A server stores, send and receives data. Essentially, it “serves” something else and exists to provide services. A computer, software program, or even a storage device can act as a server and provide one or more services.

How does the network help computer users?

A network enables the sharing of files, data, and other types of information, allowing authorized users to access information stored on other computers on the web. A network makes it possible to share network and computer resources.

Where is the Internet located?

Today, the Internet is housed in data centers in the Washington suburbs, the largest data center market in the world. “The Internet itself is mad these peering points that are located centers.

What is the difference between a network and a server?

A network can be peer-to-peer, connecting two or more computers or devices or a client-server. In a client-server network, the network relies on the server to capture and “serve” data to its computers and other devices.


I have been blogging since August 2011. I have had over 10,000 visitors to my blog! My goal is to help people, and I have the knowledge and the passion to do this. I love to travel, dance, and play volleyball. I also enjoy hanging out with my friends and family. I started writing my blogs when I lived in California. I would wake up in the middle of the night and write something while listening to music and looking at the ocean. When I moved to Texas, I found a new place to write. I would sit in my backyard while everyone else was at work, and I could write all day.