Vodafone has launched a new plan that offers unlimited data and bundled calls for Rs. 179. The goal is only available in Bihar and Jharkhand circles and comes with free outgoing calls while roaming within India. However, the data is limited to 2G speeds, so there is no fast 3G or 4G access with the subscription. In addition, the “unlimited” calls with the subscription are limited to 250 minutes per day and 1,000 minutes per week; outside these limits, calls will be charged 30 paise per minute. In addition, Vodafone users are allowed to call 300 unique numbers; if they exceed this figure, the calls will be charged 30 paise per minute.
Google Maps Go apps launched for AndroidThe Google Maps Go app has been released on the Play Store marketplace. It is optimized for smartphones with 1 GB or less RAM, running Android 4.1 and higher versions. Google Maps Go offers similar features to the main Maps app, including location detection, directions, traffic information for cars, public transit, and walking. It supports 70 countries and shouldn’t take up much space on the device. Google says lightweight Go versions of Gmail and Google Assistant are also on the way.
iOS 11.2.1, tvOS 11.2.1 Now Available Apple has rolled out iOS 11.2.1 as tvOS 11.2.1 updates to eligible devices. The simultaneous release of the two updates is to bring back HomeKit sharing, which was recently disabled due to a bug. With the iOS 11.2.1 and tvOS 11.2.1 updates, Apple has fixed the vulnerabilities introduced by the bug, which may have disabled remote access for shared users of the Home app.
X-Men Comes Back to Marvel The Walt Disney Company will acquire 21st Century Fox’s entertainment and sports divisions in a $52.4 billion deal. Apart from this, the Bob Iger-led company will also take on Fox’s $13.7 billion debt. This buyout brings X-Men, Deadpool, Avatar, FX Networks, National Geographic, The Simpsons, and National Geographic to Disney, which also acquires a majority stake in streaming service Hulu. Also, in Disney’s fold, Star will be India and thus Hotstar.
OnePlus 5T Star Wars Limited Edition model launched in India A day before the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the OnePlus 5T Star Wars Limited Edition smartphone was found in the Indian market. Priced at Rs. 38,999, it has become the most expensive OnePlus device in India and comes in only one configuration (8 GB RAM and 128 GB storage). The Star Wars-themed cues on the new OnePlus 5T variant include a white back panel with a Star Wars logo, a red Alert slider, and some preloaded backgrounds and customizations. There is also a bundled rugged case with the handset modeled after Kylo Ren’s helmet from the movie. It will go on sale from Friday noon IST through Amazon India and OnePlusStore. as well as OnePlus Experience Stores in Noida and Bengaluru. In terms of hardware, the device is identical to the standard model.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Review
The IT department is considering taxing Bitcoin and other digital currencies. A spokesperson for the IT department said it collects information about Bitcoin exchanges, investors, their sources of investment, and the ability to collect taxes. This comes shortly after Bitcoin went on a bull run, crossing $17,000 this week. Right now, a single Bitcoin is valued at over $16,700, a staggering increase from its January 2017 price of roughly $1,000.
Why is Bitcoin rising, and for how long can it continue?
Nokia 9 has been in the news for the past few days and is expected to launch on January 19 in China. Nokia 9 may have a dual camera setup with telephoto and wide-angle lenses. This would be different from the RGB + monochrome lens configuration of the Nokia 8. The Nokia Camera v8.0200.20 build shows a telephoto lens of up to 2x zoom and a wide-angle lens option, along with the opportunity to adjust the shutter speed.
Microsoft Bing, Cortana, Office 365, and Azure get new AI-based capabilities. Microsoft has added a host of new AI-based features to its Bing, Cortana, Office 365, and Azure. Now, Bing will use its AI-powered Intelligent Search capabilities to read and analyze documents online to provide faster answers, which will be validated using deep neural networks. Cortana can sort emails and summarize the most important email clients. New AI-based Office 365 embeds include Insights in Excel and Acronyms in Word. On the Windows 10 front, there’s Microsoft Whiteboard and an all-new Photos app, while Azure cloud computing service gets the Bot Service and Cognitive Services Language Understanding tools.
Sony SA-D40 and SA-D20 Bluetooth Speaker Systems Now in IndiaSony has launched the SA-D40 and SA-D20 Bluetooth Speaker Systems in the Indian market. The former is available at the best-buy price of Rs. 7,990 (MRP Rs. 8,490), while the latter costs Rs. 6,990 (MRP Rs. 6,990). The Sony SA-D40 is a 4.1-channel speaker with an output of 80 W, and the SA-D20 comes with a 2.1-channel speaker that provides a result of 60 W. Both Bluetooth speakers will go on sale on December 13 and can connect to up to eight devices. Aside from Bluetooth, they have AUX and USB capabilities.