Chinese smartphone brand Vivo has launched a new selfie-focused smartphone in India. Priced at Rs. 18,990, the dual-sim Vivo V5s will go on sale from May 6. It runs Funtouch OS 3.0 based on Android 6.0 Marshmallow. The Vivo V5s has a 5.5-inch HD (720×1280 pixels) IPS display with a pixel density of 267ppi. It is powered by a 1.5GHz octa-core MediaTek MT6750 SoC coupled with 4GB of RAM. The Vivo V5s has a 20-megapixel front camera with f/2.0 aperture. The smartphone is equipped with a 13 megapixel camera with dual LED flash. It has 64 GB of built-in storage that is expandable via a microSD card (up to 256 GB) in a hybrid dual-SIM format. The Vivo V5s has a 3000 mAh non-removable battery and weighs 154 grams.

Here’s everything else that has made the news in the world of technology today.

Vivo V5s

Moto E4, E4 Plus price, specs leaked The leaks keep pouring in when it comes to Lenovo’s upcoming budget smartphones Moto E4 and Moto E4 Plus. A new report claims that the unlocked version of the Moto E4 is expected to cost 150 Euros (about 10,500 rupees), while the E4 Plus will come in two variants, starting at 190 Euros (about 13,300 rupees). The Moto E4 is being tipped as an iterative upgrade to Moto E3, while the Moto E4 Plus is expected to see many other changes and even a different design.

iPhone 8 fingerprint sensor not on back panel? There are no stopping rumors about Apple’s upcoming iPhone, presumably called iPhone 8. The latest leak shows us what supposedly are the schematics inside the iPhone 8. The leak claims that the fingerprint sensor won’t be on the back panel, which, if true, is a big relief. It also claims that the smartphone will support wireless charging up to 5 meters, something we’d be a little less inclined to believe at this point.

TRAI discusses rules for new mobile operators Since Reliance Jio launched in the Indian market, several issues have emerged. The telecom operator offered its services free of charge for about six months, which did not go down well with the competition. Now telecoms regulator TRAI plans to launch a consultation to draft rules for new operators offering free services during the pre-launch trial period. The number of subscribers that an operator is allowed to have during the trial period is one of the points that will be discussed.

Jio DTH, broadband and more: 5 things to expect from Reliance Jio in 2017

Galaxy S8+ screen replacement cost and Samsung’s new SMS app Buying the Samsung Galaxy S8+? You may want to get some solid armor from a case. A new report claims that the screen replacement cost for this smartphone will be much higher than its predecessor. The material costs of this smartphone are also reportedly higher, so perhaps there is some truth in this latest report. Combine this with reports that Samsung’s new flagships are “extremely tear-prone” and you get a pretty good idea of ​​what can go wrong.

In other news, Samsung appears to be working on a new In-Traffic Reply app that will automatically send text messages and calls that come in while you’re driving. The app can reportedly detect when you’re on the road via GPS, but it’s not clear how it differentiates between drivers and passengers in the car.

While we all see “Do not text while driving” stickers on smartphones when we unpack them, many of us conveniently ignore these warnings while driving. It looks like Samsung has now taken matters into their own hands as the company has launched its In-Traffic Reply app that saves users from answering messages and phone calls while on the go.

Google turns out to be India’s most attractive employer If you’re wondering which company is the best employer in India, Google may be the answer if we are to believe a new survey. According to the Randstad Employer Brand Research 2017, Google India is the most attractive employer in the country, followed by Mercedes-Benz India. The survey covers various aspects of jobs in India, such as which sector workers are most likely to keep their jobs in. This provides valuable insights into India’s workforce across industries, so you should definitely read the report.

Don’t Install Windows 10 Creators Update Manually: Microsoft If you’re the kind of person who always wants to stay up to date and manually install the latest updates on your PC, you might want to rethink your approach. Microsoft started rolling out the Windows 10 Creators Update earlier this month and has now asked people not to manually install the update. The company has said that there are some issues with the update and that not everyone can fix them. The recommended approach is to wait for the update to arrive automatically, which will presumably be when all issues have been resolved.

Instagram now has 700 million users Instagram is growing at a rapid pace. The company has revealed that it has added 100 million users in the past four months and its total user base has grown to 700 million. That means it has added 200 million users since June last year. This could be partly due to promotions in the main Facebook app, where people can see an install Instagram prompt in the news feed if they don’t have the app. Features like Stories, live video, and disappearing messages in Direct have made it grow, Instagram says.

Nintendo Switch expects to be a huge success as Super Mario RunNintendo seems to have turned a corner with the release of the Nintendo Switch game console. The company has said it expects to sell about 13 million units by the end of March 2018, which is a big number for the first year for any game console. The strong initial sales momentum has led the industry to expect the Switch to replicate the success of the Wii, which sold 20 million units in its first year and totaled over 100 million. More good news for the company is that Super Mario Run has nearly 150 million downloads on Android and iOS. While the game may not have been as much of a financial success as the company wanted it to be, it is certainly quite popular around the world.


I have been blogging since August 2011. I have had over 10,000 visitors to my blog! My goal is to help people, and I have the knowledge and the passion to do this. I love to travel, dance, and play volleyball. I also enjoy hanging out with my friends and family. I started writing my blogs when I lived in California. I would wake up in the middle of the night and write something while listening to music and looking at the ocean. When I moved to Texas, I found a new place to write. I would sit in my backyard while everyone else was at work, and I could write all day.