Following the global launch of the Moto E4 Plus and Moto E4 last month, Lenovo has launched the E4 Plus in India for Rs. 9,999 exclusively through Flipkart and has confirmed the offline launch of the E4, which will cost Rs. 8.999. Some of the key features of the Moto E4 Plus are its 5000mAh battery and metal back. The phone runs on Android 7.1.1 Nougat and features a 5.5-inch HD display, MediaTek MTK6737M SoC, 3GB RAM, and 32GB internal storage. The Moto E4 Plus will also support microSD cards, a 13-megapixel camera on the back, and a 5-megapixel camera on the front.
The E4 Plus goes on sale at 11:59 pm IST Wednesday, and early bird buyers can take advantage of a host of deals on launch day. These include the Moto Pulse Bluetooth headset for Rs. 649 (originally Rs. 1,499); EMI offers from Citibank; two months free subscription to Hotstar Premium; 84 GB data for three months at Rs. 443 for Idea subscribers; Buy-back guarantee of Rs. 4,000 for the Moto E4 Plus; up to Rs. 9,000 discount when you trade in your old phone; and an additional 20 percent discount on Flipkart SmartBuy products.
With another Moto launches out of the way, new Moto X4 rumors have also leaked. The latest report comes via a GFXBench listing that suggests the Moto X4 will come with 3GB of RAM instead of 4GB, as previously reported.
Honor 8 Pro goes on sale Honor launched the 8 Pro (Review) during Amazon Prime Day exclusively for Prime members on Monday and is now selling it for everyone to buy next Thursday. The Honor 8 Pro costs Rs. 29,999, which is below the OnePlus 5 (Review) base price of Rs. 32,999. The main focus of both smartphones is the rear cameras. If you were torn between these two models, here’s the tie-breaker in our ultimate showdown between the two. The Honor 8 Pro was launched in India last week.
OnePlus 5 vs. Honor 8 Pro: Which is the real flagship killer?
Two thousand seventeen iPad Pro, iMac, and MacBook models are now available in India Apple announced a slew of refreshes at the WWDC keynote in June, Now, these models are available for purchase in India. Gadgets 360 has learned that Apple retail partners across the country have begun receiving stock of the new iPad, MacBook, and iMac models.
The launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is scheduled for August 23. In the Android world, the next launch has to be the Samsung Galaxy Note 8. , although there is no official confirmation from Samsung yet. An August announcement could mean the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 will be widely available in September, which Samsung hopes would steal some of Apple’s iPhone 8 thunder.
Apple adds a Paypal payment option to App Store, Apple Music, iTunes, and iBooks. In addition to using your credit and debit card, Apple’s app and content services also accept payments through Paypal. These services include the App Store, Apple Music, iTunes, and iBooks via iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices. This feature will go live first for users in Canada and Mexico, followed very soon by the US.
The company’s upcoming iOS 11 operating system may have an integrated live streaming feature in other new Apples. Those using the iOS 11 public beta have seen a ‘Start Broadcast’ option in the latest beta three firmware. It remains to be seen how Apple plans to use this feature, which should be revealed in the coming months when iOS 11 rolls out to the general public along with the new iPhone models.
Vizio sues LeEco over failed merger attempt. However, in light of recent events, LeEco called off the deal in April, citing “regulatory headwinds”. The company had to pay $100 million as a buyer termination fee, of which it could only pay off $40 million. Vizio is now demanding the remaining $60 million in damages.
Indian Railways Launches New App To make train ticket booking easier, Indian Railways is set to launch a new app that will reportedly offer options such as booking a porter, guest house, or ordering food, in addition to booking train tickets. . It should also allow you to book taxis, hotels, and most importantly, even plane tickets. The Integrated Railway Mobile App project was first announced during the Rail Budget 2016-17. It is being developed by CRIS, the software arm of the Railways, at the cost of Rs. 7 million dollars.
Xiaomi Mi Note 2 launched in ChinaPreviously, however, it was a variant of the Mi 6 Plus, but the launch of Xiaomi turned out to be the Xiaomi Mi Note 2. The dual-SIM phone runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow-based MIUI 8; has a 5.7-inch full-HD OLED flexible screen; and is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 Performance Edition SoC. The latest phone version adds 6 GB of RAM with 64 GB of storage and is already available in China for CNY 2,899 (approximately Rs. 27,500).
The Delhi government wants to ban UberPool and Ola. The future of low-cost pool services from Ola and Uber is under scrutiny as the Delhi government has found both to violate the Motor Vehicle Act of 1988. The problem lies in the type of permit that Taxi services such as Ola and Uber are provided in the country, which, under the Motor Vehicles Act, prohibits them from stopping and allowing additional passengers to travel from point to point.
To expand Internet services into rural America, Microsoft plans to use new TV radio waves to beam the Internet through an initiative it calls the Rural Airband Initiative. Microsoft’s Rural Airband Initiative aims to provide broadband internet over the TV spectrum. Microsoft plans to partner with rural telecommunications providers in 12 states, from Washington to Maine, to connect approximately 2 million rural Americans to high-speed Internet over the next five years.